Bird Aware Solent

Bird Aware Solent is an initiative that raises awareness of the birds that return to the Solent each winter, so that people can enjoy the coast and its wildlife without causing disturbance. It is made up of fifteen local councils and four conservation bodies - Natural England, the RSPB, Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, and Chichester Harbour Conservancy.

The Solent coast is of worldwide importance for wildlife, welcoming up to 125,000 ducks, geese and wading birds each winter. Many of these species have travelled long distances from the arctic and need to feed and rest undisturbed so that they can survive the winter and build up enough energy to fly back to their summer habitats. This coastline however is also very busy with people, recreation and development. Fast paced shipping lanes, densely populated urban areas, new housing and an increase in recreational activities is all putting pressure on the birds and the environment.

When birds are disturbed they lose valuable feeding and resting time and can become stressed which wastes precious energy. If this happens regularly, for example over the course of the winter, the impact on migratory species can be significant. Some return in too poor a condition to breed, whilst others may not be able to complete the journey at all. Anyone who visits the coast can cause disturbance, but this also means that anyone can help to reduce it. Simple measures like looking out for the birds and keeping your distance can make a big difference and help to protect them.


Ranger Charlotte


I am one in a team of Rangers covering around 250km of coastline including three SPAs (Special Protection Areas), from the New Forest to Chichester and the northern shore of the Isle of Wight. We engage with visitors and communities around the coast to help them understand the importance of the different bird species and the impact of disturbance.

Each Ranger has their own area that they cover, and for me it’s the beautiful Isle of Wight! I grew up here on the island, so it is wonderful working on a coastline I am so familiar with. Wildlife and education are my passions and I love to help people connect with nature so that they have a greater understanding and appreciation of the natural world. I am also really proud to live and work in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, something that proves just how special the island is! If you see me out on the coast don’t forget to say hello! I’m always happy to have a chat, share the amazing wildlife we have here and help you to become more Bird Aware.


Facebook: Bird Aware Solent

Twitter: @BirdAwareSolent

Instagram: @bird_aware_solent

YouTube: Bird Aware Solent Channel

Website: www.birdaware.org

Contact: info@birdaware.com or charlotte.goswell@hants.gov.uk